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Sending e-mails

  • Ihre E-Mail wird nur während der Bürozeit gelesen.
  • Für Notrufe, eilige Informationen und Anzeigen ist E-Mail nicht geeignet!

Email link is not working correctly. What can I do?

Having not installed an email program on your PC you may probably use an online mail service like gmx.de, googlemail or T-online-mail. In such a case your email link does not function. The recipient`s address cannot automatically be transferred.

In order to send a mail via an online mail service do the following steps:

  • Click with the right mouse button onto the email link on the website.
  • Choose "copy email address" (Firefox) or "copy linkage" (Internet Explorer). The email address will be copied into the clipboard.
  • Open your online mail service in your browser.
  • Start a new email and add the recipient`s email address out of the clipboard into the recipient`s field using the right mouse button. 
  • After that you can write your email text and send the mail.  


Guidelines for sending encrypted emails to recipients working with the Saxon Police (valid from 9 January 2019, 1pm)

The Saxon Police currently only use the S/MIME encryption method. Please make sure that your email program masters that method. If necessary you may have to install additional software.

1 option
You receive an email from any department of the Saxon Police with a digital signature of the Saxon Police. Save that contact directly in your address register. As a rule the certificate is automatically saved in the adress register. When sending an email chose that contact, write your email and chose the option“ encrypt“(=Verschlüsseln) in your email client.
Not every email client can neither save a contact and its certificate directly out of an email received nor doesn`t guarantee an encrypted dispatch.

2 option
Download the Saxon Police certificate from  https://www.polizei.sachsen.de/de/20091.htm and install it in your certificate store. Import that certificate via your email client for the respective contacts with the Saxon Police. When sending an email chose that contact, write your email and chose the option“ encrypt“(=Verschlüsseln) in your email client.

3 option
You can transmit encrypted messages through your online Secure Mail Gateway (SMGW) mailboxes. You request the access data and an online mailbox as a passive user (passive registration) following the link: http://esv.sachsen.de/secure-mail-gateway.html  for free. Then you can find your online mailbox here: https://www.e-mail.sachsen.de . As soon as you get the access you can communicate via encrypted email with any police employee who has an email address (…@polizei.sachsen.de).



Wenn Sie eine verschlüsselte E-Mail senden wollen, verwenden Sie zur Verschlüsselung den folgenden öffentlichen Schlüssel.